Title: War and Remembrance
Author: Herman Wouk
Pages: 1042
Genre: Historical Fiction
Grade: A-
Synopsis: This book is a sequel to The Winds of War and it continues to follow the Henry family throughout World War II. Victor "Pug" Henry is an American Naval Officer who is stationed in the Pacific, London, Washington DC and Moscow throughout the book. He has one son in the Naval Air Force (with his wife in Pearl Harbor), another son in submarines (with his Jewish wife stuck in Axis Italy) and a daughter working for a well-known radio personality.
My Review: What really sets this book apart is that while the war is a major part of the book, it is not what the book is about. The book really shines in the way that it highlights how the War impacted families and individuals and crept into their romances and hearts.
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read."
--Groucho Marx
**SPOILER FREE ZONE (excepting the comments, of course)**
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
My Life
Title: My Life
Author: Bill Clinton
Pages: 42 discs
Genre: Autobiography
Grade: A
Synopsis: This book is the story of Bill Clinton's life. From his upbringing in Hope, Arkansas to the White House. It is the most detailed and honest (at least it seemed that way) account of a president's life that is out there.
My Review: Surprisingly, I loved this book. I started this book way back in November/December. I listened to the first 30 discs in the car as I commuted to work, but I had to return the discs before I was able to complete the book. I borrowed the CDs from the library again and listened to the rest of the book while I worked on sanding, painting and finishing the toy room in our basement (details here). Before I read this book, I would not have classified myself as a fan of President Clinton, but I was fascinated by by his stories and the honesty that was apparent in the book. I enjoyed the details that were shared about the life of a President by a former President.
Author: Bill Clinton
Pages: 42 discs
Genre: Autobiography
Grade: A
Synopsis: This book is the story of Bill Clinton's life. From his upbringing in Hope, Arkansas to the White House. It is the most detailed and honest (at least it seemed that way) account of a president's life that is out there.
My Review: Surprisingly, I loved this book. I started this book way back in November/December. I listened to the first 30 discs in the car as I commuted to work, but I had to return the discs before I was able to complete the book. I borrowed the CDs from the library again and listened to the rest of the book while I worked on sanding, painting and finishing the toy room in our basement (details here). Before I read this book, I would not have classified myself as a fan of President Clinton, but I was fascinated by by his stories and the honesty that was apparent in the book. I enjoyed the details that were shared about the life of a President by a former President.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Barack Obama is Your New Bicycle
Title: Barack Obama is Your New Bicycle - 366 Ways He Really Cares
Author: Mathew Honan
Pages: 192
Genre: Humor
Grade: B
Synopsis: This is the book version of the classic website http://barackobamaisyournewbicycle.com/. Back in Obama's campaign to be POTUS, many people were simply obsessed with Barack Obama, believing that he could do no wrong. Honan's wife was working for the Obama campaign, obsessing about every detail. Now the lesser-known accomplishments of Obama have been published in this easy to read book.
My Review: Luckily, I was able to score this book on amazon.com for less than $2 (strangely, my local library doesn't carry a copy...). A few of the more inspiring things that Obama has done for me include the following:
Author: Mathew Honan
Pages: 192
Genre: Humor
Grade: B
Synopsis: This is the book version of the classic website http://barackobamaisyournewbicycle.com/. Back in Obama's campaign to be POTUS, many people were simply obsessed with Barack Obama, believing that he could do no wrong. Honan's wife was working for the Obama campaign, obsessing about every detail. Now the lesser-known accomplishments of Obama have been published in this easy to read book.
My Review: Luckily, I was able to score this book on amazon.com for less than $2 (strangely, my local library doesn't carry a copy...). A few of the more inspiring things that Obama has done for me include the following:
- Barack Obama paused the Tivo when you went to the bathroom.
- Barack Obama left a comment on your blog.
- Barack Obama held your hand when you were frightened.
- Barack Obama waited on hold for a half hour with Apple tech support to get your Macbook fixed.
- Barack Obama caught your baby when she slipped through your arms.
- Barack Obama counted all your pennies and rolled them up in paper.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Our Search for Happiness
Title: Our Search for Happiness
Author: M. Russell Ballard
Pages: 128
Genre: Religion
Grade: A-
Synopsis: This book serves as an introduction to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, written by an apostle of that Church. Elder Ballard discusses the beliefs that members of the Mormon Church have in regards to the apostasy, the restoration of the Gospel, the Book of Mormon, the plan of salvation, the Articles of Faith and missionary work.
My Review: This book is a near perfect introduction to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It should be required reading for members and anybody in the media who is attempting to write an unbiased article about the Church.
Author: M. Russell Ballard
Pages: 128
Genre: Religion
Grade: A-
Synopsis: This book serves as an introduction to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, written by an apostle of that Church. Elder Ballard discusses the beliefs that members of the Mormon Church have in regards to the apostasy, the restoration of the Gospel, the Book of Mormon, the plan of salvation, the Articles of Faith and missionary work.
My Review: This book is a near perfect introduction to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It should be required reading for members and anybody in the media who is attempting to write an unbiased article about the Church.