Title: Loving Frank
Author: Nancy Horan
Pages: 9 discs?
Genre: Historical Fiction
Grade: B
Synopsis: Mamah Borthwick Cheney and her husband Edwin commissioned the brilliant architect Frank Lloyd Wright to design a house for them in Oak Park, Illinois. With Mamah working closely with Wright as he designed the house, they ended up having a long and elaborate love affair that spanned from the Chicago area to Europe and back to Wisconsin. The story is based upon actual events, with the details filled in by the author.
My Review: The story mainly follows Mamah throughout this time in her life and provides insight into her relationship with Wright from letters that she wrote. She comes across as being very selfish, while Wright is amazingly arrogant. There were parts of the book that were quite slow, but the ending is surprising and shocking (don't read Wright's wikipedia entry if you're planning on reading the book).