Title: Green Hills of Africa
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Pages: 208
Genre: Non-Fiction, Travel
Grade: B
Synopsis: This is the non-fiction account of Ernest Hemingway's two-month hunting safari for big-game animals in East Africa, in the shadows of Mount Kilimanjaro. He and his companions are hunting rhinoceros as well as other animals in the deer and antelope families (such as kudu). This book documents their hunting excursions and interactions with the natives.
My Review: I imagine that this book was a hit back in the 1930s when it was released. Now, with rhinos and some of the other animals very endangered I found the stories a little depressing. I guess that you could say that hunting is not in my blood. Generally the book was interesting and kept my attention, but there were parts that were a little dry.
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read."
--Groucho Marx
**SPOILER FREE ZONE (excepting the comments, of course)**
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Fight Club
Title: Fight Club
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Pages: 224 pages
Genre: Fiction
Grade: B
Synopsis: An unnamed narrator works as a recall specialist for an auto company. The extended stress and travel takes its toll and he finds himself suffering from insomnia. When he brings up this issue with the doctor, the doctor sends him to a support group for testicular cancer to "see what real suffering is like." The narrator finds that listening to and sharing the problems of others alleviates his insomnia. While on a nude beach, the narrator meets Tyler Durden, a charismatic extremist and the two get in a confrontation that becomes the beginning of fight club. The first rule of fight club: You don't talk about fight club. The second rule of fight club: You don't talk about fight club.
My Review: I found that I really enjoyed this book. It was a little bit hard to follow at times, so it is one that I wouldn't mind reading again. Unfortunately, I don't remember much more than that as I finished this book a couple of months ago. I do know that I would love to see the movie (with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton), but I'd be interested in an edited version...
Disclaimer: There is a lot of fighting (surprise!) as well as a bunch of other violent acts, with some language.
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Pages: 224 pages
Genre: Fiction
Grade: B
Synopsis: An unnamed narrator works as a recall specialist for an auto company. The extended stress and travel takes its toll and he finds himself suffering from insomnia. When he brings up this issue with the doctor, the doctor sends him to a support group for testicular cancer to "see what real suffering is like." The narrator finds that listening to and sharing the problems of others alleviates his insomnia. While on a nude beach, the narrator meets Tyler Durden, a charismatic extremist and the two get in a confrontation that becomes the beginning of fight club. The first rule of fight club: You don't talk about fight club. The second rule of fight club: You don't talk about fight club.
My Review: I found that I really enjoyed this book. It was a little bit hard to follow at times, so it is one that I wouldn't mind reading again. Unfortunately, I don't remember much more than that as I finished this book a couple of months ago. I do know that I would love to see the movie (with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton), but I'd be interested in an edited version...
Disclaimer: There is a lot of fighting (surprise!) as well as a bunch of other violent acts, with some language.