Title: The Very Best of the Feynman Lectures
Author: Richard P. Feynman
Pages: 6 discs
Genre: Physics, Non-Fiction
Grade: B+
Synopsis: Richard Feynman is one of the more famous modern physicists. He was a long-time professor and lecturer at UC Berkeley and his lectures have long served as a go-to resource for students of physics. These lectures covered Newtonian physics, Einstein's general theory of relativity, superconductivity, quantum mechanics as well as a couple of other topics.
My Review: I enjoyed listening to these lectures on CD as the audio is taken straight from his courses in the late 1960's. The upside was that you got to hear his lectures and it almost felt like you could be participating. The downside was when his lecture included a demonstration or complex mathematical formula that he was deriving on the board. I was able to use my imagination for the demonstrations, but I got lost during the equation descriptions as they were harder to focus on while I was driving.