Monday, November 2, 2015

An Inconvenient Truth

Title: An Inconvenient Truth

Author: Al Gore

Pages: 328

Genre: Science (or is it science fiction?)

Grade: A-

Synopsis: This book is about "the planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it."  The book is a companion piece to the documentary by the same name.  The contents within the book are pulled from a series of multimedia presentations that Al Gore has been giving to groups and governments for many years.

My Review: [Disclaimer: I fully subscribe to the science of human caused global warming...] I was excited to come across this book at the DI or a garage sale (I don't remember which).  This book was an easy read with lots of photographs, graphs and diagrams outlining the global warming crisis.  I have not seen the documentary, but the book felt like it was rushed to print in order to be a companion piece to the film.  The material in the book is quite convincing and presented in an easy-to-digest way, I find it very unfortunate that such a topic has been twisted into a political discussion, when the science should be able to stand on its own.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Free to Choose

Title: Free to Choose

Authors: Milton & Rose Friedman

Pages: 10 discs

Genre: Economics

Grade: B

Synopsis: Milton and Rose Friedman published this personal statement back in 1979 and many of their beliefs still ring true today.  The Miltons advocate for a free market and smaller government (i.e. fewer regulations) and support their arguments with stories and examples.

My Review: To be honest, it has been a few months since I finished this book and I don't remember a whole lot about it...  What I do remember is that the book is very readable and accessible to the economic layman (such as myself), but that it was a bit on the long side which led it to be a bit boring.  Still, the book gave me plenty to think about.