What I'm Reading Now:

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Title: Anthem

Author: Ayn Rand

Pages: 111

Genre: Philosophy, Classic, Fiction

Grade: B

Synopsis: First published in 1938, Anthem is a dystopian novella that takes place at an unspecified time in the future. Virtually all technological advances have been discarded in favor of a society where nobody knows more than anybody else. Personal pronouns and individualism have been discarded for a culture where everybody refers to themselves as "we" and all people live in communal dwellings segregated by sex. Equality 7-2521 doesn't think like the rest of the people and ends up discovering some of the things that have been forgotten.

My Review: I read this book in high school, but remembered very little of it. I found the story interesting and thought provoking and a good introduction to the writings and philosophy of Ayn Rand.

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