What I'm Reading Now:

Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Life

Title: My Life

Author: Bill Clinton

Pages: 42 discs

Genre: Autobiography

Grade: A

Synopsis: This book is the story of Bill Clinton's life. From his upbringing in Hope, Arkansas to the White House. It is the most detailed and honest (at least it seemed that way) account of a president's life that is out there.

My Review: Surprisingly, I loved this book.  I started this book way back in November/December.  I listened to the first 30 discs in the car as I commuted to work, but I had to return the discs before I was able to complete the book.  I borrowed the CDs from the library again and listened to the rest of the book while I worked on sanding, painting and finishing the toy room in our basement (details here).  Before I read this book, I would not have classified myself as a fan of President Clinton, but I was fascinated by by his stories and the honesty that was apparent in the book.  I enjoyed the details that were shared about the life of a President by a former President.

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