What I'm Reading Now:

Friday, December 29, 2017

Yearning for the Living God

Title: Yearning for the Living God: Reflections from the Life of F. Enzio Busche

Author: F. Enzio Busche & Tracie A. Lamb

Pages: 307

Genre: Religion, LDS

Grade: A

Synopsis: F. Enzio Busche grew up in Dortmund, Germany and was involved in the Hitler Youth before heading out to fight in WWII as a teenager.  In his early 20's he started meeting with some missionaries before being converted and beginning his life of service in the Church.

My Review: This book was fantastic. I felt like I was reading a full book of conference talks and experiences.  The stories and experiences that are shared by F. Enzio Busche are really quite amazing and testify of miracles, ongoing revelation and the importance of listening to the Spirit.  I have felt motivated to do a better job in my own life, which is some of the highest praise that I can give to a book.

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