Saturday, January 6, 2007


Title: 1776

Author: David McCullough

Pages: 294 (plus notes)

Genre: History, non-fiction

Letter Grade: A

Synopsis: This is the story of the American Revolution. The book actually begins in October 1775. It mainly tells the story of the Continental Army and their struggles. It paints a vivid picture of George Washington and the leader that he was. The American Patriots Nathanael Greene and Henry Knox also play a large role in the story of the revolution. The roles of the British Commander, Sir William Howe, his armies and the Hessian mercenaries are also related vividly and dramatically. Although the war didn't end until 1783, many of the most important battles were fought during 1776. This was not a good year for the Americans. They lost virtually every battle and saw very little success. The year did end on a good note though and gave the Americans momentum heading into the new year.

My Review: The book begins rather slowly as it is laying the framework for the rest of the book. Once the war begins though, it is hard to put this book down. If I didn't know the ending already, I would never believe how it would turn out. McCullough has an incredible talent to bring the stories to life. From accounts of people that were there he paints a picture so vivid that you know what is going on on both sides of the lines and what the generals were thinking. He takes very little literary freedom. My only complaint is that the book ends at the end of 1776 and doesn't continue on until present day. If history books were written like this, history would be everybody's favorite subject.

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