Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Train to Potevka

Title: A Train to Potevka

Author: Mike Ramsdell

Pages: 345

Genre: Thriller, Autobiography

Letter Grade: B+

Synopsis: This is the story of an LDS CIA agent who works covertly in the Soviet Union and Russia. Although he classifies it as a work of fiction (because of the sensitive nature of many of the stories), I would classify it as an autobiography. The stories told are incredible and often inspiring. He was blessed with many miracles during his trials. The main story is of a covert operation in a Siberian town that goes wrong. Mr. Ramsdell is forced to evacuate the city and go to Potevka on a slow peasant train. Although the book mainly follows his journey and adventures in Russia, he intertwines many other stories from his youth in Bear River, Utah and family life.

My Review: I enjoyed this book. While reading it, it is apparent that the book has been written by an "amateur" and not a professional writer. That's not to say its not well written though. The book is inspiring and draws heavily upon Mike's LDS mission and church experiences. When he breaks away from his stories about Russia, the book slows down but it always seems to pick up again. This book has a hard-to-explain human quality that really makes the stories easy to envision and hard to put down.

From the Book: "When I was younger, I always thought that after a person reached a certain age of maturity, life's troubles would finally be behind him. Yet, for whatever reason, the Good Lord apparently has a different plan for some of us."

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