Title: Before I Say Good-Bye
Author: Mary Higgins Clark
Pages: 332
Genre: Mystery
Letter Grade: A-
Synopsis: Nell Macdermont's husband, Adam, is hosting a business meeting on his yacht when it blows up in New York Harbor. Nell and Adam had argued that morning about Nell's decision to run for her grandfather's congressional seat. He had held the seat for 50 years and was loved by his constituency. Adam had been supoportive in the beginning but had since become almost hostile to the idea. Nell goes on a search to unravel who her husband's killers were and why they would do it.
Why I Chose This Book: I've read Clark's books many times and enjoyed them. I found this one sitting on a library display calling out to me.
My Review: I've read books by Mary Higgins Clark before and enjoyed them. This one was no exception. The plots are always easy to follow and the premises are very believeable. It's been a long time since a book has kept me up late reading until I finish.
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