Sunday, July 29, 2007

Into Thin Air

Title: Into Thin Air

Author: Jon Krakauer

Pages: 291

Genre: Non-Fiction

Grade: A-

Synopsis: Into Thin Air is a personal account of the disaster that unfolded high upon the slopes of Mt. Everest in 1996. Krakauer was climbing the mountain as part of a guided expedition by Rob Hall, a guide from New Zealand, considered by many to be the best in the world. After summitting the mountain, many climbers were overtaken by a powerful storm and couldn't get down the mountain. This is the true story of what went wrong.

Why I Chose This Book: I've just always wanted to read it.

My Review: Jon Krakauer tells an incredible story that makes you feel like you are there. He does a very nice job of describing the difficulties of the climb and the problems that can happen while acclimatizing yourself to the thin Nepalese air. I really enjoyed this book and had a hard time putting it down at times. For anyone who has ever daydreamed about climbing Everest or doing something similarly amazing, this book may help knock some sense into you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lurp,

    I finished this book a couple of days ago and absolutely loved it. I never had much desire to climb Everest, and my desire is even less now(Im not a big fan of HAPE or HACE...or cold for that matter). I read the book on a recommendation from a friend out here, and it consumed most of my lunch breaks and dipped into a few hours of study time. I would recommend it to everybody also!

  3. I have to disagree about this booking knocking sense into you. After reading this book I wanted to climb everest even more. I guess I am a weirdo anomaly though.
