Title: breaking dawn
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Pages: 756
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Grade: B+
Synopsis: Bella Swan is still in love with both Jacob and Edward. How can she marry the vampire without hurting the "best man" in the process?
My Review: I just have to laugh when I'm reading these books. The plot line can get so ridiculous that it's almost comical. This book has so many twists and turns it will have you wondering which way is up. Although long, it's an easy read that will keep you interested. By the end, Meyer has done a surprisingly good job at tying up all the loose ends and somehow partially satisfying everybody.
From the Book: "(p. 188) Did you know that 'I told you so' has a brother Jacob?" she asked, cutting me off. "His name is 'Shut the hell up.' "
"(p. p. 259) Nudity was an inconvenient but unavoidable part of pack life. We'd all thought nothing of it before Leah came along. Then it got awkward. Leah had average control when it came to temper--it took her the usual length of time to stop exploding out of her clothes every time she got pissed. We'd all caught a glimpse. And it wasn't like she wasn't worth looking at; it was just that it was so not worth it when she caught you thinking about it later."
I got a little bored in the middle, and I thought the end of the book was too "clean": a happy ending for all involved (except for Irina), and not much action. Also, you're still left wondering if anything will happen with the Volturi in the future.
ReplyDeleteHey Tyler. Don't ask me to explain how I found this, but I did happen upon it. Maybe Dad's with girls named Ada just have that connection. I like it, though. Ever read Lee Child? I just saw your Harlan Coben post and think you might like his as well.
ReplyDeleteMy last post in my blog was inspired by your dirty old man comments...check it out if you want to see yourself referenced.