Friday, November 21, 2008

Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity

Title: Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity

Author: John Stossel

Pages: 284

Genre: Non-fiction

Grade: A-

Synopsis: John Stossel, host of 20/20 (of which I've never seen a minute), investigates common myths and old wives tales that are simply not true. Stossel looks at lies in the media, business, government, lawyers, religion, health and many other topics. Each argument is backed up with expert opinion, true stories and tests that Stossel ran for his television show.

My Review: I realize that everything in this book needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The issues are explored through Stossel's glasses and the arguments are very, very compelling and enlightening. I learned loads about how the media places spin on stories (and exaggerate the truth), how politicians are catering to the lobbyists and how slimy many lawyers can be. Stossel attacks teacher's unions, school vouchers, Title IX (if a lawyer wins a civil rights lawsuit (such as Title IX) in many states, they are entitled to 6 times their regular hourly fee!), homeopathic remedies, DeBeers (diamond cartel), farm subsidies, Republicans, Democrats (Stossel considers himself a Libertarian), minimum wage, frivolous lawsuits, etc. I think that if you can read this book without getting angry about some things then you've got issues. The book is almost depressing in how twisted some things are. This is one book that I think everybody should read (and then form your own opinion about these "myths").

From the Book (I'm paraphrasing):

Myth: We're drowning in garbage!

Truth: There's plenty of room.

Off and on, the news will carry stories about how there is not enough room for all of our garbage. This simply isn't true (and if you think about it, how can we ever produce more garbage than the earth can store?). Owning a landfill is very competitive and many beautiful green areas are created by the garbage beneath them.

Myth: Feminist lawyers' fight sexism

Truth: Feminist lawyer's lawsuits make other lawyers richer.

Stossel gives the example of hair salons being forced to charge men and women equally. even though it takes longer to cut woman's hair, salons are being sued because it's a "human rights" violation. He also tackles the argument that aside from physical differences, men and women are the exact same. Many feminists are trying to sue because they aren't being elected to public office in equal numbers as men (how sexist!) and because people still believe that, in general, women are naturally better nurturers than men.

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