Title: Eragon
Author: Christopher Paolini
Pages: 513
Genre: Fantasy
Grade: B+
Synopsis: While hunting deep in the Spine, 15-year-old Eragon finds a majestic blue stone. He returns home empty-handed from the hunt and tries to sell the stone for food. Nobody is willing to buy the stone and before long a dragon hatches from the stone. Eragon and the dragon form a bond and Eragon becomes a Dragon Rider. Eragon's uncle is killed by the evil Raz'ac after which Eragon leaves his hometown to try and extract revenge.
My Review: Paolini started this book when he was only 15 and it shows in his writing. I really, really like the books and the stories but sometimes the writing is a little cheesy and tacky. If the writing had been more refined and polished I would have given this book an A. This is one of those few books that force me to stay up late reading "just one more chapter."
From the Book: "(p. 460) Engaged in a fiery dance, their bodies were linked and seperated by the flashing blades. At times they nearly touched, taut skin only a hair's breadth away, but then momentum would whirl them apart, and they would withdraw for a second, only to join again. Their sinuous forms wove together like twisting ropes of windblown smoke."
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