Title: The Little Prince
Author: Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Pages: 180
Genre: Fable, Fiction
Grade: B+
Synopsis: The author tells a story about when his plane crashed in the Sahara Desert and he met a small man from another planet. The extraordinary little man shares the stories of his travels to other planets and eventually earth.
My Review: This is the first "long" book that I ever read. I remember really liking the story then, but what really stands out is that this was the first time that I was ever exposed to the word naive (but in the book, I was fascinated with the word because there are two dots over the i). I think that this is the type of book that allows every reader to draw something different from it. Each person's opinion and impressions will be unique. It's a quick read (around an hour), but quite enjoyable.
From the Book: "(p. 48) "I don't believe you! Flowers are weak creatures. They are naive (imagine two dots over the i). They reassure themselves as best they can. They believe that their thorns are terrible weapons...""
Where do we give recommendations for your next reads? "A Train to Potevka" - I haven't read it yet, but I am going to as soon as I can get my hands on it.
ReplyDeleteAha, you're in luck. I actually reviewed A Train to Potevka a little while back. If I remember correctly, I found it to be quite an enjoyable read.
ReplyDeleteI did not like this book. I also read it when I was younger, then picked it up a couple of years ago. Not so much.