Title: Digging to America
Author: Anne Tyler
Pages: 7 Discs
Genre: Fiction
Grade: C
Synopsis: Two families meet at the Baltimore Airport when the infants they have adopted from Korea arrive on the same airplane. One family is the very American Donaldson family, while the second family is the Americanized Yazdan family. The Yazdan's moved to the US from Iran more than 20 years, but still often feel like outsiders. This book explores the friendship between the Yazdans and the Donaldsons after the Donaldsons invite the Yazdans to a special "arrival party", which becomes a yearly tradition.
My Review: I really didn't like this book. About 1/2 of the book was about the two families and 1/2 of the book was about the mother-in-law Maryan. It just seemed to drag on and had a difficult time keeping my interest because the story just wasn't that interesting. I'm glad to be done with it.
I'm glad to see you're capable of giving a book less than a B.