Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Author: J. K. Rowling
Pages: 6 discs
Genre: Fantasy
Grade: A-
Synopsis: This is the first book in the Harry Potter series. As far as Harry can remember he has always lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents were killed when he was just an infant. Mysterious letters begin arriving for Harry and his Uncle Vernon does everything he can to keep Harry from reading any of them. Eventually Harry learns from a huge man, Hagrid, that he is a Wizard and will be attending the wizarding school Hogwarts.
My Review: This was the perfect thing to listen to while driving through Utah, Nevada and California late at night to and from Disneyland. The story is great, but the series gets better as it goes along. If you haven't read Harry Potter yet, you'd probably better.
From the Book: “(Dumbledore speaking to Harry) To the organized mind, death is but the next adventure.”
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