Title: The Westing Game
Author: Ellen Raskin
Pages: 185
Genre: Mystery, Newbery Award
Grade: B
Synopsis: Mr. Westing is a rich hermit that gathers 16 supposed heirs for the reading of his will. He pits them all against each other in a game of wits and suspicion to figure out which of the heirs killed Mr. Westing. Only one of them can win the game. All of the heirs live or work in Sunset Towers, an apartment complex with a view of the old Westing mansion. Between bombs and deceit, the heirs are trying to unravel the clues given by Mr. Westing.
My Review: I fully planned on reading this book for a second time when I was 75% of the way through because I had a hard time following the comings and goings of all 16 heirs (and keeping track of them as well). Luckily, the book easily wraps up all loose ends and really came together in the end. I didn't enjoy the book as much as I expected I would - simply for the reasons mentioned earlier, that I had a hard time following everything. Otherwise, a good, solid mystery.
I remember reading this as a kid, but can't remember if I liked it or not. Guess it's time for a re-read.