Title: The Historian
Author: Elizabeth Kostova
Pages: 656
Genre: Fiction, Thriller
Grade: A
Synopsis: A teenage girl finds an old book hidden in her father's library that is entirely blank save for a woodcut of a dragon on the center pages. The dragon is holding a placard with the word 'DRAKULYA'. She also finds a stack of letters addressed to "My Dear and Unfortunate Successor" and begins trying to find out what hidden secrets her father has from his past. When her father was a student at Oxford, his graduate school mentor mysteriously disappears from his office only minutes after confiding to him that he believes that Dracula is still alive.
My Review: It just so happens that for the last three and a half years I have been claiming this book as my favorite. I don't think that I enjoyed it quite as much as I did the first couple times I read it, but it is still in my top 10. I love the descriptions the author provides of the mosques, museums and cities throughout Europe that the characters visit. From browsing other reviews online, it appears that opinions of this book are quite varied, but like I said, it's one of my favorites. I found it fitting that the 100th book I reviewed on this blog, also happened to be the first.
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