Title: American Wife
Author: Curtis Sittenfeld
Pages: 558
Genre: Hypothetical Fiction
Grade: B+
Synopsis: The book is loosely based upon the life of the former first lady, Laura Bush. In this book, the protagonist is the smart and clever girl of Alice Lindgren from the small town of Riley, Wisconsin. Alice is not without trials and difficulties growing up, many of which end up shaping her opinions and political leanings later in life (which are often quite a bit different from those of her husband, the fictional Charlie Blackwell, based loosely upon a Wisconsinite George Bush). When Alice meets Charlie Blackwell, she is a successful and passionate librarian at an elementary while Charlie works for his father's meat-packaging business. Once they are married, she plays important roles in her husband's life as he buys the Brewers, serves for 8 years as governor of Wisconsin and finally is elected president.
My Review: The beginning and middle of this book is fantastic. The end (which takes place while the Blackwells are living in the White House) is somewhat anti-climatic and almost becomes a political statement. I especially enjoyed that the writing style of the book made the stories very believable and made the president and first lady come to life as real people. I give an A- to the first 75% of the book and a B- to the last 25%.
Disclaimer: The language in the book can get slightly shady.
From the Book: "(p. 114) Dena seemed about to respond, but instead, she belched again, a smaller belch that seemed unequal as a harbinger to the monstrous chunky gush that erupted from inside her. I held her hair back and looked away as she finished retching. Working with children had made me less squeamish--they were constantly presenting their grubby hands to your, having accidents--but at some point, disgusting was still disgusting, Especially with an adult woman."
"(p. 540) "See, I always forget this about you," he says, and even now, long after we first lost our privacy, I can't help wondering who's overhearing him. "Every decade, you like to pin me to the ground, pull open my mouth, and take a sh** right into it.""
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