Title: The Twenty-One Balloons
Author: William Pene du Bois
Pages: 180
Genre: Children's Fiction, Newbery Award
Grade: B+
Synopsis: Professor William Waterman Sherman turns up in the Atlantic Ocean 21 days after leaving San Francisco in a hot air balloon. He had planned on spending a relaxing year floating over the Pacific Ocean, removed from civilization and enjoying the solitude. Instead, the world clamored to hear how he had traveled across the globe in such a short time. He refused to divulge the secrets of his journeys to anybody but the Western American Explorer's Club in San Francisco.
My Review: I loved this book when I was younger and I enjoyed reading it again. It is easy to read and enjoy and definitely a children's book. Much of the book is hardly believable, but it is the type of story that is easy to daydream along to.
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