Title: The Persian Pickle Club
Author: Sandra Dallas
Pages: 196
Genre: Historical Fiction
Grade: B
Synopsis: Queenie Bean is a young farmwife living in Harveyville, Kansas during the Great Depression. All of Kansas is a dust bowl and crops aren't growing and many people are out of work. Many of the wives in the town are members of the Persian Pickle Club, which is a group of gossiping ladies willing to do anything for each other that creates quilts for themselves and for good causes. A husband of one of the club members is murdered and a new member of the club tries to uncover the mystery behind the murder.
My Review: I enjoyed the book, it was an easy read but also thought-provoking and eye-opening. While the book is set during the great depression, I'm glad that the book didn't focus on all the depressing things going on at the time, but on how the ladies in the club always help each other out.
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