Title: The Lightning Thief
Author: Rick Riordan
Pages: 375
Genre: Fiction
Grade: B
Synopsis: Percy Jackson is a troubled teen that has been kicked out of every boarding school he attends. He begins to notice strange things happening in his life, many of which seem to be strait from his class on Greek mythology. It turns out that Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen and Percy is Zeus' prime suspect. Percy needs to locate the bolt and return it before Zeus loses his temper.
My Review: I enjoyed how the book helped to bring Greek mythology to life. I don't remember much about Greek mythology and I learned (or re-learned) quite a bit. The story is fairly juvenile and too often unbelievable, but it was an easy, enjoyable read.
gthis is the best book ive ever read i cant belivie that he finished all the books i was so sad i hapoe this yaer he can make more
ReplyDeletei loved this book! i hope that Rick makes more stories on Percy Jackson.
ReplyDeletei have already started reading the 2nd book. Like it is so addicting i read this book every day.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!