Saturday, October 16, 2010

Charlotte's Web

Title: Charlotte's Web

Author: E.B. White

Pages: 184

Genre: Children's Fiction

Grade: B+

Synopsis: Fern cares for the runt of the litter and helps the little piglet grow until Fern's father decides that it is time to sell the pig. He sells Wilbur to Fern's uncle and she makes sure to visit often. Wilbur makes friend with a little gray spider Charlotte, who makes it her life's goal to save Wilbur from the slaughter.

My Review: I read 4-5 pages of this book with Ada each night before putting her to bed. She enjoyed the story, but often found it hard to focus as the vocabulary in the book is quite above her level. But, she understood the story and I loved when should would ask, "Daddy, what does ___ mean?" Now we're looking for another book appropriate to read with a 4-year old. Any suggestions?

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