Title: The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
Pages: 16 discs
Genre: Fantasy
Grade: A-
Synopsis: Frodo and Sam continue on their trek into Mordor to try and destroy the ring at Mount Doom. At the same time, the remaining members of the fellowship are fighting battles for Rohan and Gondor. Gandalf the White hatches a plan to divert Sauron's eye to them so that he will not be aware of Frodo and the ring's presence in his own backyard.
My Review: The Lord of the Rings is truly an epic story. As you read this series, there are so many stories that could have been told about everything in middle earth, which allows your imagination to fill in the blanks. My only complaint is that the climax of the story happens just over halfway through the book, but the benefit of this is that the completion of the story is very satisfying as most loose ends have been wrapped up.
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