Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Sister's Keeper

Title: My Sister's Keeper

Author: Jodi Picoult

Pages: 12 discs

Genre: Fiction

Grade: B

Synopsis: Anna sues her parents for medical emancipation when she is 13 years old. Her older sister, Kate, has been sick with leukemia since she was two years old. The only reason Anna was even born, was to be a donor of genetically matched cord blood for Kate's benefit. Since that time, Anna has had to donate many parts of her body to her sister and now she is being forced to donate a kidney to her sister without ever giving her consent.

My Review: I found this book to be very interesting and thought-provoking. It was extremely difficult to take sides because it was difficult to determine who was right and who was wrong. The book is a serious portrayal of an issue of medical ethics. What made the book a little hokey (in my opinion), were the connections each character had to each other or to one thing or another that would cloud their view of these issues. Regardless, the book has surprises at almost every turn.

Disclaimer: There is a bit of language in the book to be prepared for.

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