Author: Charles Darwin, edited by Nora Barlow
Pages: 243
Genre: Autobiography
Grade: D
Synopsis: Charles Darwin wrote his autobiography throughout the later years of his life. He intended it to be solely for his children, but his son first published the autobiography in 1887 (with most of the personal details omitted - which have now since been included). Darwin writes about his early life, school years and published works, spending very little on information about his family or other personal topics.
My Review: Very few books take me this long to read (4 weeks or so). Alison's had this book from some class at the U and I was interested in reading it but, there was nothing about this book that motivated me to pick it up and continue reading once I had started (and in fact, I skipped the 90+ pages of the appendix). For Darwin enthusiasts, this book is a gem. For the rest of us, I'm sure we can find something else...
On another note, The book is free to anybody who wants it (first come first served)...
Thanks for the review...I think I'll pass on the free offer.