Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life of Pi

Title: Life of Pi

Author: Yann Martel

Pages: 11 discs

Genre: Fiction

Grade: B

Synopsis: Pi is a young Indian boy whose father owned or managed a zoo as he was growing up. At a young age Pi was very interested in religion, exploring Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. The zoo was sold and the family was in the process of emigrating to Canada when the ship that they were on sank. Pi found himself in a lifeboat with a zebra, hyena and orangutan.

My Review: I enjoyed the book, but it was tough to get into it. It starts slow, but gets very interesting after the shipwreck. Amazingly, even though the story involves Pi being stuck in a lifeboat with a Bengal Tiger, I found the story to be quite believable.

Disclaimer: The book gets a bit gory as the hyena tears the zebra apart and there are other animal functions on display.

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