Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Clockwork Orange

Title: A Clockwork Orange

Author: Anthony Burgess

Pages: 6 discs

Genre: Fiction

Grade: B+

Synopsis: The book takes place sometime in the future when sadistic gangs of youth roam the streets raping, and beating people mercilessly. Alex is a 15-year-old teenager in one of these gangs who loves ultraviolence and Beethoven before becoming a special project of the state where they attempt to brainwash him against this violence.

My Review: The whole first cd of this book I had no clue what was going on. Half of the slovos (words) of the book are gibberish words that actually happen to be English-ized Russian words (which meant that I could understand them - if you could make it through the ridiculous declension and pronunciation). Once I was able to wrap my head around the strange text, I found that I really enjoyed the book. It was a strange, unexpected and uniquely written story that really got you thinking about the powers that the government holds - much like Orwell's 1984.

Disclaimer: While the language is generally clean, rape, beatings and even murder is explained using slang and gibberish words.

1 comment:

  1. definately one I'll add to my list...and if I get lost and confused, you are sure to hear from me.
