Title: The Hunger Games
Author: Suzanne Collins
Pages: 374
Genre: Thriller
Grade: A-
Synopsis: The Hunger Games take place in the nation of Panem, which is located on the North American continent, long after the United Stated and other nations in the area have fallen. Panem is ruled by a capitol with 12 outlying districts spanning the continent. As punishment for previous uprisings against the Capitol, each year, each district must send 1 boy and 1 girl to fight to the death in an arena for the Capitol's entertainment. Katniss Everdeen's younger sister is chosen as District 12's girl, and Katniss steps forward to take her place, realizing that it is a death sentence.
My Review: This is the book/series that everybody has been talking about. While the general premise of the book is disturbing (kids killing other kids and fighting to be the last one standing), the book is well written and certainly manages to keep you on the edge of your seat. After reading this book (the first of a trilogy) it was hard not to dive right into the second book.
wow. I've been wondering about this book and had no knowledge of the premise. I will give it a read. Thank you for the recommendation.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on reviewing the second and third books of the series - so you can get an idea of what they're all about if you want... That said, they really were a fun read. I'm sure you'd enjoy them.