Sunday, January 8, 2012

but enough about me...

Title: but enough about me... A Jersey Girl's Unlikely Adventures Among the Absurdly Famous

Author: Jancee Dunn

Pages: 274

Genre: Autobiography

Grade: B

Synopsis: Jancee Dunn was a pretty regular girl growing up in New Jersey who was given a chance to work at Rolling Stone, on Good Morning America, and as one of the first VJs for MTV2.  Interspersed with her autobiographical stories are lessons that she learned and anecdotes from her numerous interviews with famous musicians and movie stars.

My Review:  I enjoyed this book.  It was light, generally interesting and quite humorous at times.  There isn't anything terribly special about Jancee Dunn, but she is a good storyteller and has plenty of stories to share.

Disclaimer:  There is a bit of language.  As you can imagine, not all of the musicians and actors/actresses are known for their clean language.

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