Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mother had a Secret

Title: Mother had a Secret: Learning to Love My Mother and Her Multiple Personalities

Author: Tiffany Fletcher

Pages: 188

Genre: Memoir

Grade: B

Synopsis: Tiffany and her siblings grew up in an LDS home where their mother, Vickie, had multiple personality disorder, with 15 separate and unique personalities.  A few personalities were those of little children, while others were nurturers, cooks, lovers, protectors and one that could be very violent.  These personalities stemmed from brutal abuse that Vickie suffered at the hands of her father as a child. 

My Review:  It is difficult to write a review about a book that deals with a topic that is frankly quite maddening (abuse), sad (psychological disorder) and depressing (suffering).  I have a hard time separating my thoughts about the book from my feelings about the subject matter.  That being said, I found this book to be very enlightening.  This is a story that could be told about your neighbor, a friend or another acquaintance.  If it ever comes to it, I hope that I can recognize the warning signs of abuse and do whatever is required to make it stop.  As Tiffany grows older her struggles to learn how to love her mother were very heartening.

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