Title: The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible
Author: A.J. Jacobs
Pages: 12 discs
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir
Grade: B
Synopsis: A.J. Jacobs (known for reading the Encyclopaedia Britannica), embarks on another quest, this one to live the Bible as literally as possible. While A.J. is mostly agnostic, he is Jewish by birth and has family who still adhere to religious principals. For A.J. and his family though, this is a huge change. A.J. grows a long beard, begins to only wear white robes, tries to be thankful and forgiving and embarks on a quest to live and understand the Bible's more well-known teachings as well as the more esoteric teachings.
My Review: While I was a little afraid that I would find the book to sacrilegious, that wasn't the case at all. While it was often irreverent, it was also very enjoyable and I found myself laughing at his experiences trying to stone the adulterers, performing sacrifices, avoiding mixed threads in his clothing and informing his wife of how unclean the Old Testament considers menstruating ladies. I was often surprised by the requirements found in the Old Testament. I'm not nearly as familiar with them as I am with those found in the New Testament.
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