Title: The Origin of Species
Author: Charles Darwin
Pages: 576
Genre: Non-fiction
Grade: B
Synopsis: This book took Charles Darwin more than 20 years to produce. He left on the Beagle in 1831 as a geologist and naturalist and formed his theory of natural selection based upon his discoveries and observations. Many of Darwin's predictions on natural selection and evolution have since been proven as factual as additional research and investigation has taken place.
My Review: I found this book to be more readable (or in my case, listenable) than I expected. I generally understood the discussions and chapters and found myself even enjoying many of them. As you can imagine, this book does get bogged down in the details, but that is also one of the more impressive parts of Darwin's theories. What really struck me in the book was Darwin's genius. To make the observations and connections that Darwin made required pure genius.
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