Title: The Pale Blue Eye
Author: Louis Bayard
Pages: 16 discs
Genre: Historical Fiction
Grade: B
Synopsis: Augustus Landor is a retired New York City police detective living near West Point Academy. After a cadet is found hanging on Academy grounds, he is asked to discreetly investigate the incident. The death becomes even more bizarre when the dead man's heart is savagely removed during the night. As Mr. Landor begins to investigate the crimes, he enlists the help of a young cadet, one Edgar Allan Poe.
My Review: The book was an interesting amalgamation of West Point History and the younger life of Edgar Allan Poe. A poem that Poe has written plays a large role in the course of solving the mystery. I'm not sure if the author was trying to mimic Poe's style or the style for the time, but it felt like the book was literally written in the first half of the 19th century, and there were times that it dragged on a bit.
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