Wednesday, October 9, 2013

President Reagan

Title: President Reagan

Author: Richard Reeves

Pages: 592

Genre: Biography

Grade: B+

Synopsis: This was the first biography published about President Reagan after his death in 2004 and approximately the 901st biography written about him since his presidency.  Reeves has previously written biographies of Presidents Kennedy and Nixon.  This book takes the strategy of going through the daily comings and goings in the oval office and describing the President's schedule throughout his presidency.  The biography doesn't cover Reagan's life before the presidency nor does it cover his life following the presidency.

My Review: This book was certainly a definitive look at the Reagan Presidency, although I would have really liked to have learned more about the man Reagan growing up, acting and then getting into the political scene in California.  Although, this book at 592 pages and something like 20 cds was long enough as it was.  It is my opinion that all US Presidents are geniuses in one way or another.  Reagan had the uncanny ability to get people to do what he wanted.  He was always well liked, but never really had an exceptional grasp of what was going on in the country as a whole.  He would go down to the oval office between 8:30 and 9:00 AM and then return to the residence around 5:00 PM each day and finish the day watching the television.  Rarely did he work longer hours than that.  His schedule as president was generally dictated by his wife Nancy, who would consult her astronomer before approving any travels out of the District.  While Reagan ran the country, she wore the pants in their relationship.  Lastly, Reagonomics (or at least my interpretation of the description and analysis given in this book) seems like a total bust.  The math just never added up and Reagan was always so concerned about giving tax breaks to the rich (including himself)) at the expense of the poor and those at the bottom of the social ladder.  An enjoyable read, I love learning about the leaders of this great country.

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