Friday, April 15, 2016

The Dip

Title: The Dip: A Little Book that Teaches You when to Quit (And when to Stick)

Author: Seth Godin

Pages: 80

Genre: Self-Help?

Grade: B

Synopsis: Every new project, hobby, job, etc. starts out fun and exciting, but eventually they all lead to the doldrums.  For those people who can weather the storm (i.e. the dip), they are setting themselves up for bigger rewards. The challenge in life is to figure out which efforts are worth sticking with it through the dip and which are not. Quitting is not bad, when it is done strategically.

My Review: This is a short book and fairly easy to read in one sitting. The basic premise makes a lot of sense.  Some of the first electrical engineering courses that I went through were essentially weeder courses.  They were structured to be difficult enough to weed out anybody who was not completely serious about sticking with it (I think that 40-50% of the people who started that first year of electrical engineering did not complete it.  I hate math, yet somehow I made it through...).  What I find far more challenging sometimes than sticking with something is to figure out which efforts will be worth it in the end and which efforts will lead to a dead end.

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