What I'm Reading Now:

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Vespers Rising (The 39 Clues #11)

Title: Vespers Rising

Authors: Rick Riordan, Peter Lerangis, Gordon Korman, Jude Watson

Pages: 4 discs

Genre: Children's Fiction

Grade: B

Synopsis: The first 10 books were all focused on the strengths of the Cahill Family and the secrets that were uncovered by Gideon Cahill hundreds of years ago. This, the 11th and final book introduces us to the next threat to the Cahills, the Vespers!

My Review: I didn't love this book, it was too much of a filler book for me.  When the authors saw that the book series that they had been working on for the last few years is coming to an end, they brainstormed ways to keep it going and this is the solution.  While the 39 Clues series has now concluded, the groundwork has been laid for the next series.

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