What I'm Reading Now:

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

if i stay

Title: if i stay

Author: Gayle Forman

Pages: 201

Genre: Young Adult

Grade: B

Synopsis: Mia is 17 years old and is planning to attend Juilliard Music School to continue studying her the violin music that she is so passionate about.  On a day off from school Mia is driving with her family when they are in a terrible accident.  Mia doesn't realize it at first, but she has an extensive out of body experience where she watches everybody who loves her trying to help save her. 

My Review:  The premise of the book is interesting.  We all have beliefs about what happens after we die, but I had never really considered that we may have a say in whether or not we get to stay here on earth.  I didn't love the writing or even care too deeply about the story, but it was intriguing.

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