What I'm Reading Now:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

Title: Breakfast of Champions

Author: Kurt Vonnegut

Pages: 5 discs

Genre: Fiction

Grade: C+

Synopsis: Kilgore Trout is an aging writer from some of Vonnegut's other books.  Kilgore is intrigued (and slightly aghast) when he finds out that a car dealer from the Midwest believes everything that Kilgore writes is the literal truth.  Throughout the book, Vonnegut makes light of America's attitude towards sex, politics, war, etc.

My Review: I finished this book a couple of months ago and the honest truth is that I can't remember all that much about it.  This may be due to the fact that I had a hard time comprehending what was going on in the book as I was listening to it.  I looked up a few summaries that helped me understand what was going on and that helped.  The book is a satire of Vonnegut's view of the world, which he wrote as a present to himself for his 50th birthday.

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