What I'm Reading Now:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Lost Symbol (Illustrated Edition)

Title: The Lost Symbol

Author: Dan Brown

Pages: 513

Genre: Thriller

Grade: A-

Synopsis: I already reviewed this book once: http://tysquibooklist.blogspot.com/2009/10/lost-symbol.html

My Review: I was so excited when browsing at the DI when I found this book. I haven't yet read Dan Brown's newest novel (Inferno) and I thought this was it. I got about 50 pages into the book when I realized that I had already read this book, so I decided to buy a used copy of the Illustrated Edition of the book and continue reading that version.  I love reading Dan Brown novels when three are pictures and diagrams of the artwork and symbolism that is described in the book.


Clark said...

I haven't read this one, but I have read Inferno. (Free copy if you want to come by and pick it up) Dab Brien books are a strange paradox; they're formulaic and the basic plot line is always predictable, but at the same time, I can put them down until I finish them. In the end, I don't know if I'm complaining about the book or recommending it.

Clark said...

And you can blame my phone for inventing a new nom de plume for Mr Brown.

tysqui said...

I agree completely with your sentiments. I'm a sucker for these books, but they're not the pinnacle of literature either!