What I'm Reading Now:

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Made to Stick

Title: Made to Stick

Author(s): Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Pages: 6 discs?

Genre: Non-Fiction

Grade: B

Synopsis: Urban legends are memorable and often times believable simply because they are so oft-repeated.  This book explores why some ideas are easily memorable, while other ideas (often the ideas that we are trying to convey) are so easily forgotten.  Some ideas are more inherently sticky, while other ideas lack the qualities that make other ideas sticky.

My Review: This was a pretty interesting book.  In general, my job does not hinge on making my ideas stick.  Having good ideas is important, but in my current role I am not often teaching others or trying to convince them that my way is the best way, so while I found the book enlightening, I didn't pull a lot out of the book for me to use in my daily work.

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