Title: Angels and Demons (Illustrated Edition)
Author: Dan Brown
Pages: 498
Genre: Thriller
Letter Grade: A
Synopsis: This is the story of Robert Langdon's adventure before The Da Vinci Code. He is flown to CERN in Switzerland to help solve the murder of one of their top scientists. The murdered scientist had been branded with the annagramic word "illuminati" and Langdon was a leading scholar on this satanic cult. The search takes Langdon and the murdered scientist's daughter Vittoria to the Vatican and Rome where they are chasing the murderer while also trying to recover an explosive canister of antimatter buried somewhere in Vatican City.
Why I Chose This Book: I just recently used an Amazon.com giftcard that I got for Christmas to buy this book and I figured that I should read it.
My Review: I think that I like this book more than The Da Vinci Code. There are parts that are unbelievable, but they still make for an exciting story. It was fun to read the illustrated edition and to be able to see pictures of the churches, artwork and sculptures that are described in the book. I wish that I would have read this book before I visited Rome and Vatican City.
From the Book: "(p. 42, Langon speaking with the director of CERN) "But aren't scientists today a bit less defensive about the church?"
Kohler grunted in disgust. "Why should we be? The church may not be burning scientists at the stake anymore, but if you think they've released their reign over science, ask yourself why half the schools in your country are not allowed to teach evolution. Ask yourself why the U.S. Christian Coalition is the most influential lobby against scientific progress in the world. The battle between science and religion is still raging, Mr. Langdon. It has moved from the battlefields to the boardrooms, but it is still raging.""
"(p. 455) "Not on your life!" Langdon sat bolt upright, eyes flying open.
"Attento!" one of the creatures yelled, steadying him. His badge read Dr. Jacobus. He looked remarkably human."
Do you still have this book? I need to borrow it because it's checked out at all the libraries.