Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mafia to Mormon

Title: Mafia to Mormon - My Conversion Story

Author: Mario Facione

Pages: 105

Genre: Autobiography

Letter Grade: B+

Synopsis: Mario Facione grew up in Michigan and began experimenting with theft and deceit when he was quite young. This is the story of his conversion to the LDS Church. He became a successful businessman and had a few dishonest business dealings on the side. He was very successful in these and he and his family lived very well. Missionaries were prompted to visit his house one day and the incredible story of how he was converted and what he had to give up in order to free himself of all his ties to the mafia is what follows.

Why I Chose This Book:
My parents read this book when it first came out. I had checked the Salt Lake City Library for it at the time but they did not have it. I remembered the book a couple of months ago and placed my name on the hold list in order to get a copy.

My Review:
This book won’t win any awards for its writing or the proofreading but nonetheless, I really enjoyed it. It’s a very quick and easy read and it will leave you feeling good. The strength of Mario’s testimony is inspiring and there is something that everybody can learn from reading this book.

From the Book: "(p. 27) The biggest score I made was $500,000 in one week. I had eleven guys with trucks that could move equipment and hit eleven different jobs in seven days. For the most part, I remained in the background overseeing the operation. Sometimes, though, I tagged along on the jobs I thought were going to be the slickest, just to get in on the excitement of it."

1 comment:

  1. Tyler, I read this book awhile ago and thought it was a fun, quick read that reminded me of what some people give up to join the church. I certainly liked it better than the movie that came out...
