What I'm Reading Now:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dealing with Dragons

Title: Dealing with Dragons

Author: Patricia C. Wrede

Pages: 4 discs

Genre: Fantasy

Grade: B

Synopsis: Cimorene is a unique princess.  She is smart, headstrong and interested in boy things.  Every time that she tries to learn a new skill, shooting, magic, etc. her parents forbid her because "it's not what princesses do."  Her boredom gets that best of her and she takes matters into her own hands and runs away to live as a princess to a dragon.

My Review: I found out that I had to drive to Cedar City when the CD player in my car had been recently stolen, but I was able to throw this book onto my MP3 player and listen to it on the drive.  It was a fun story, one that I'll have Ada listen to in a year or two.

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