What I'm Reading Now:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Rainmaker

Title: The Rainmaker

Author: John Grisham

Pages: 14 discs

Genre: Legal Thriller

Grade: B+

Synopsis: Rudy Baylor is finishing up law school at Memphis State.  He has a job lined up with a decent firm downtown, but three weeks before he is supposed to graduate and start work, his firm is swallowed up by the most prestigious firm in town.  Rudy finds himself jobless and without any prospects, but with a potentially lucrative case against an insurance company that refuses to pay out a claim for a lifesaving bone marrow transplant.

My Review: I'm a sucker for John Grisham's books.  I thought that I had read this one before, but I probably hadn't.  This book, while a bit lengthy never seemed to overwhelm with legalities, and the main case selected was one that was very easy to understand.

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