What I'm Reading Now:

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Subtle Knife

Title: The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials #2)

Author: Philip Pullman

Pages: 288

Genre: Fantasy

Grade: A-

Synopsis: Lyra has entered into an abandoned city in a parallel world where she meets a young boy, Will, from our world.  They are in Cittagazze, where children run wild and the adults are non-existent.  There is a tower in this city that houses a knife with the ability to cut openings into the parallel worlds.  Lyra and Will's destinies become intertwined when Lyra's alethiometer instructs her to help Will find his father. 

My Review: This book continues the quest and narrative from the first book with a few added dimensions, twists and turns, including visits to our own parallel world.  A battle is brewing between Lord Asriel and his innumerable armies and the strongest angels in the universe. Lyra must determine whose side she is on as the war moves closer.

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